Transport Adapter Session Configuration

Transport Adapter Session Configuration

The ability to add, edit and remove Kafka Transport Adapter sessions is available since FIXICC H2 23Q1 release. The ability to add, edit and remove JMS Transport Adapter sessions is available since FIXICC H2 24Q1 release.
Please note* For the rest of TAs we plan to deliver these configurations in our upcoming releasees.

Transport Adapter Session Configuration

TA Session attributes can be divided into three groups:

  • Static configuration
  • Dynamic state
  • Dynamic attributes

To create a new TA Session configuration, define the static attributes such as:

  • Identification parameters
  • Specific Parameters of the Producer and Consumer Sessions
  • Others

The parameters of static configuration define the initial parameters for the dynamic parameters. The static configuration can be changed when the current TA Session is not connected. The parameters of the static configuration can be modified at any time. If the Session is connected, the changes are stored in the database and only the latest changes are applied when the Session becomes disconnected.

A dynamic state exists only when the TA Session is connected. FIXICC H2 handles the events which are happened during the endpoint's life cycle. These events come from the FIXEdge Java Server. For the dynamic state, the sequence of events is important for tracking.

Dynamic attributes also exist only when the TA Session is connected. FIXICC H2 checks the state of these attributes in a configured time interval. The set of metrics depends on the type of FIXEdge Server. For the dynamic attributes, the snapshot at the moment is important.

Static Session Configuration

Adding a New TA Session Configuration from Scratch

  1. Select a Server to add a new TA Session configuration to.

    Figure. Selecting the Server from the list.

  2. Go from the Servers page to the New TA Session page by:
    • Clicking the Server Name in the navigation menu (item 1)→ Transport Adapters under the selected Server Name (item 2) → TA Name under the Server Name (item) → Add button in the opened TA Sessions page (item 4).
  3. Press Add button on the Server TA Sessions page.
  4. Choose the new TA session role from the Add drop-down menu:
    • The Producer TA Session is responsible for sending data streams (to the Kafka cluster for Kafka TA or to the JMS queue or topic for JMS TA, etc.). There is a set of parameters for Producer TA Sessions.
    • The Consumer TA Session is responsible for reading data streams (from the Kafka cluster for Kafka TA or from the JMS queue or topic for JMS TA, etc.). There is a set of parameters for Acceptor Sessions.
  5. OR select the TA Session role from the context menu on the Server TA Sessions page.
  6. When you select a new TA session role, FIXICC H2 opens the New TA Session page.

Create a Consumer TA Session

To create a new Consumer TA Session:

  1. Select Consumer from the Add drop-down menu or the Create Consumer Session option from the context menu on the Server TA Sessions page.
  2. FIXICC H2 opens the New TA session page for a new Consumer TA Session.

    Figure. Consumer Session parameters.

The properties highlighted in red are mandatory.

Create a Producer TA Session

To create a new Producer TA Session:

  1. Select Producer from the Add drop-down menu or the Create Producer Session option from the context menu on the Server TA Sessions page.
  2. FIXICC H2 opens the New TA Session page for a new Producer TA Session.

You can see the parameters in the figure below.

Figure. Producer Session parameters.

The properties highlighted in red are mandatory.

Complete adding a new TA Session configuration

  1. Define the mandatory connection parameters highlighted in red in the figure above. Each Transport Adapter has a unique list of mandatory properties. You can find the full list of TA parameters and their descriptions on the FIXEdge Java: Configuring connectivity page.
  2. After specifying all the details, you have the following options:
    • Save the new TA Session configuration by clicking OK.
    • If all mandatory parameters are specified and the identification parameter values (i.e. Client Name) are unique, then a new TA Session is added to the selected Server and FIXICC H2 displays the sessions table including the new TA Session configuration on the Server TA Sessions page.

If the identification parameters values (i.e. Client Name) are not unique, FIXICC H2 displays the error form with the message 'Transport Adapter Session <TA Session Name> already exists'.

When you click the X button, FIXICC H2 displays the New TA Session page again to change the value of the parameter.

If mandatory parameters aren't specified, FIXICC H2 displays the alert form:

After the alert form is hidden, FIXICC H2 displays the New TA Session page again to fill in the mandatory parameters.

  • Cancel the TA Session adding by clicking the Cancel button. Then FIXICC H2 displays the TA sessions table without changes.
  • Leave the page. If you edited the TA session parameters, FIXICC H2 displays the following warning form:

FIXICC H2 offers the following options:

  • Save the entered values as a new TA Session configuration.
    Then a new TA Session is added to the selected Server and FIXICC H2 displays the TA sessions table on the Server TA Sessions page, including the new TA Session configuration.
  • Skip the changes by clicking Don't save.
    The new TA Session configuration won't be added. FIXICC H2 displays the TA sessions table on the Server TA Sessions page without changes.
  • Stay on the New TA Session page by clicking Cancel. FIXICC H2 displays the New TA Session page to continue editing.

Cloning an Existing TA Session Configuration

You have the ability to create a new TA Session by cloning an existing one and changing the unique parameters.

  1. To clone a TA Session, select the TA Session from the session list on the Server TA Sessions page and click Clone.

           Figure. The Clone button.


  1. Go to the TA Session page.
  2. Select the Clone option from the additional menu.

Figure. The Clone option from the additional menu.

FIXICC H2 copies the selected TA Session parameters to a new TA Session and displays the New TA Session page with the fields filled with the values from the selected TA Session.

Figure. Cloned TA Session.

A cloned TA Session is added with the same identification parameters as the original TA Session.

You have the same options as you'd see when a new TA session is created from scratch:

  • Save the new TA Session configuration by clicking OK.
  • If all mandatory parameters are specified and the identification parameter values (i.e. Client Name) are unique, then a new TA Session is added to the selected Server and FIXICC H2 displays the sessions table including the new TA Session configuration on the Server TA Sessions page.

    If the identification parameters values (i.e. Client Name) are not unique, FIXICC H2 displays the error form with the message 'Transport Adapter Session <TA Session Name> already exists'.

    When you click the X button, FIXICC H2 displays the New TA Session page again to change the value of the parameter.

    If mandatory parameters aren't specified, FIXICC H2 displays the alert form:

    After the alert form is hidden, FIXICC H2 displays the New TA Session page again to fill in the mandatory parameters.

  • Cancel the TA Session cloning by clicking the Cancel button. Then FIXICC H2 displays the TA sessions table without changes.
  • Leave the page. If you edited the TA Session parameters, FIXICC H2 displays the following warning form:

FIXICC H2 offers the following options:

  • Save the entered values as a new TA Session configuration.
    Then a new TA Session is added to the selected Server and FIXICC H2 displays the TA sessions table on the Server TA Sessions page, including the new TA Session configuration.
  • Skip the changes by clicking Don't save.
    The new TA Session configuration won't be added. FIXICC H2 displays the TA sessions table on the Server TA Sessions page without changes.
  • Stay on the New TA Session page by clicking Cancel. FIXICC H2 displays the New TA Session page to continue editing.

Modifying an Existing TA Session Configuration

You have the ability to edit an existing TA Session configuration.

  1. Select the TA Session from the sessions list configured for the Server.

    Figure. Edit session.

  2. Select one of the following options to edit the Session:
    • Click the Edit button on the top panel on the Server TA Sessions page.
    • Select the Edit option in the context menu on the Server TA Sessions page.
    • Start editing the TA Session by pressing Ctrl+E on your keyboard.


  1. Go to the TA Session page.
  2. Select the Edit option from the additional menu.
    Figure. The Edit option from the additional menu.
  3. FIXICC H2 displays the Modify TA Session page. You can change selected TA Session static parameters.

    Figure. The Modify TA Session page
  4. After you finish the changes, follow the same flow as when a new TA Session is created:
    • Save the updated TA Session configuration by clicking OK.
    • If all mandatory parameters are specified and the identification parameter values are unique, then a new TA Session is updated for the selected Server and FIXICC H2 displays the sessions table including the updated TA Session configuration on the Server TA Sessions page.

      If the identification parameters values are not unique, FIXICC H2 displays the error form with the message 'Transport Adapter Session <TA Session Name> already exists'.

      When you click the X button, FIXICC H2 displays the Modify TA Session page again to change the value of the parameter.

      If mandatory parameters aren't specified, FIXICC H2 displays the alert form:

      After the alert form is hidden, FIXICC H2 displays the Modify TA Session page again to fill in the mandatory parameters.

    • Leave the page. If you edited the TA Session parameters, FIXICC H2 displays the following warning form:

FIXICC H2 offers the following options:

  • Save the entered values as an updated TA Session configuration. Then an updated TA Session is displayed in the TA sessions table on the Server TA Sessions page.
  • Skip the changes by clicking Don't save. The updated TA Session configuration won't be saved. FIXICC H2 displays the TA sessions table on the Server TA Sessions page without changes.
  • Stay on the Modify TA Session page by clicking Cancel. FIXICC H2 displays the Modify TA Session page to continue editing.

Removing an Existing TA Session Configuration

You have the ability to remove an existing TA Session configuration.

Figure. Remove Session.

To remove the Session:

  1. Select the particular TA Session on the Server TA Sessions page.
  2. Click the Remove button in the top panel.
    Select the Remove option in the context menu.
    Press Ctrl+Backspace on your keyboard.


  1. Go to the TA Session page.
  2. Select the Remove option from the additional menu.
    Figure. The Remove option from the additional menu.

  3. FIXICC H2 displays the following confirmation window:

    You have two options:
    • Confirm the removal by clicking YesFIXICC H2 will display the Server TA Sessions page with the TA Session configuration removed from the page. 

      A running TA Session will be disconnected and stopped first and then removed.

    • Cancel removing the TA Session configuration by clicking NoFIXICC H2 will display the TA sessions list on the Server TA Sessions page with the TA Session configuration removed from the page.

Dynamic Session Configuration

Server Sessions

You can monitor the dynamic state of the configured TA Sessions for a given Server.

Figure. The Server TA Sessions page.

  1. Go from the Servers page to the New TA Session page by:
    • Clicking the Server Name in the navigation menu (item 1)→ Transport Adapters under the selected Server Name (item 2) → TA Name under the Server Name (item 3).

Now you can see the TA Sessions monitoring layout for the selected Server.

Figure. The Server TA Sessions page.

The first column of the table contains the TA Session status indicator. This parameter shows the dynamic status of each TA Session configured for the selected Transport Adapter on the Server.

You can easily detect the TA Session status according to the following list:

IndicatorStatusSession status

InitialThe TA Session has been added to the FIXICC H2 database but is absent in the FIXEdge Java configuration.

ConnectingThe TA Session is connecting to the cluster, queue or topic.

RunningThe TA Session is running, the Session is connected.

DisconnectedThe TA Session is disconnected.

You can also see the Status field above the table, so you can filter the displaying list of the TA Sessions by dynamic status.

You can monitor the changing of the TA Session metrics and TA Session state just by staying on the Server TA Sessions page. 

The dynamic TA Session parameters are changed as a response to the TA Session events during the connection.

The frequency with which the metrics values are updated can be configured. The default value is 1 second.


You have the ability to filter the list of TA Sessions by using the Default Filter tab.

You can filter TA Sessions by Client Name, Status, and Bootstrap Servers or by a combination of them.

You can also use the Extended Filter tab for searching Server information. It allows adding custom filtering conditions.

  1. Click Add search condition to add a new search condition.

    Figure. The Extended Filter.
  2. FIXICC H2 displays the Add condition window. Type the name of the parameter in the Filter field or select an item from the list.
  3. Click the Select button to confirm your choice.
    Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.
  4. Select an operation type from the drop-down list according to the parameter type. 
  5. Click the Refresh button to filter TA Sessions.
    Click the button to cancel filtering.

TA Session page

To see the dynamic state and metrics of the TA Session, select it in the list on the Server TA Sessions page.

FIXICC H2 displays the TA Session page in the Object info layout part.

You can also open the TA Session page in a new tab:

  • By clicking the View button.
  • By clicking the View button in the Object info layout part.
  • By selecting the View option in the context menu.
  • By double-clicking on the selected TA Session.
  • Or by pressing Enter on your keyboard.

Figure. The Server TA Sessions page.

Or you can go to the TA Session page from the Notifications page by clicking the name of the selected TA Session.

Figure. The Notifications page with the name of the selected TA Session.

Or you can go to the TA Session page from the Notification Details page by clicking the Event Source the notification refers to.

Figure. The Notification Details page.

FIXICC H2 opens the TA Session page in a new tab:

Figure. The TA Session page.

The Session Dynamic State page contains:

  • the TA Session dynamic parameters
  • parameters of static configuration
  • metrics

All information is updated in real-time.

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