FEAdminConsole (CCAdminConsole) guide

FEAdminConsole (CCAdminConsole) guide


The FEAdminConsole (CCAdminConsoletool allows to manage sessions and can be started from the command line as well as from cron.

FEAdminConsole uses the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. Default: 8902

The tool is written on Java, so requires Java to be in the PATH.

Since FIXEdge version 5.11.0 JRE is within the installation package.

FEAdminConsole can run both on Windows and Linux.

The tool uses the same FIX Administrative session protocol as FIXICC under the hood.

How to run

This application is included in the FIXEdge package, it is located in \FIXEdge\bin\ folder.

Run FEAdminConsole.exefile for Windows.
Run ./FEAdminConsole file for Linux.

It uses the same credentials as FIXICC with UI. The credentials are configured as parameters for Monitoring sessions in engine.properties







Enumerate all options and command line keys



Creates FIX session as acceptor

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. Default: 8902
-sender Sender_Name - the sender ID. REQUIRED
-target Target_Name - the target ID. REQUIRED
-sender_location_id Sender_ID - the sender location ID. Empty by default.
-target_location_id Target_ID - the target location ID. Empty by default.
-sender_sub_id Sender_Sub_ID - the sender sub ID. Empty by default.
-target_sub_id Target_Sub_ID - the target sub ID. Empty by default.
-version Version_ID - version of the FIX protocol. REQUIRED
-inseqnum Seq_Number - the new input sequence number. Default: 0
-outseqnum Seq_Number - the new output sequence number. Default: 0
-username Name - username for FIX Session authentication. Empty by default.
-password Password - password for FIX Session authentication. Empty by default.
-encrypt_method Flag - encrypt method. Default: false
-start_time Time - local time to start this session (HH:MM). Empty by default.
-terminate_time Time - local time to terminate this session (HH:MM). Empty by default.
-source_ip_address Address - the expected value of the source IP address. Empty by default.
-intraday_logout_tolerance Flag - an option not to reset sequence numbers after logout. Default: false
-force_seqnum_reset Flag - use ResetSeqNumFlag to reset seqNum. Default: false
-recreate_on_logout Flag - defines whether session must be recreated on logout. Default: false
-force_reconnect Flag - defines whether session will reconnect. Default: false
-ignore_seqnum_too_low_at_logon Flag - When true session continue with received seqNum. Default: false
-reject_message_while_no_connection Flag - When true, message that wasn't sent since time interval will be rejected. Default: false


Creates FIX session as an initiator

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. Default: 8902
-sender Sender_Name - the sender ID. REQUIRED
-target Target_Name - the target ID. REQUIRED
-sender_location_id Target_ID - the sender location ID. Empty by default.
-target_location_id Target_ID - the target location ID. Empty by default.
-sender_sub_id Sender_Sub_ID - the sender sub ID. Empty by default.
-target_sub_id Target_Sub_ID - the target sub ID. Empty by default.
-version Version_ID - version of the FIX protocol. REQUIRED
-inseqnum  Seq_Number - the new input sequence number. Default: 0
-outseqnum Seq_Number - the new output sequence number. Default: 0
-username Name - username for FIX Session authentication. Empty by default.
-password Password - password for FIX Session authentication. Empty by default.
-encrypt_method Flag - encrypt method. Default: false
-start_time - local time to start this session (HH:MM). Empty by default.
-terminate_time - local time to terminate this session (HH:MM). Empty by default.
-source_ip_address - the expected value of the source IP address. Empty by default.
-intraday_logout_tolerance - an option not to reset sequence numbers after logout. Default: false
-force_seqnum_reset - use ResetSeqNumFlag to reset seqNum. Default: false
-recreate_on_logout - defines whether session must be recreated on logout. Default: false
-force_reconnect - defines whether session will reconnect. Default: false
-ignore_seqnum_too_low_at_logon - When true session continue with received seqNum. Default: false
-reject_message_while_no_connection - the same as in create_acceptor
-remote_host Host_Name - network address of the computer to which connection is established. REQUIRED
-remote_port Port_Number - port's network number on the computer to which connection is established. REQUIRED
-hbi HBI_Value - the HeartBeat interval. REQUIRED



Starts FIX session using a properties file

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. Default: 8902
-sender Sender_Name - the sender ID. REQUIRED
-target Target_Name - the target ID. REQUIRED


changes FIX session parameters

-host Host_Name
-inseqnum Seq_Number
-reject_message_while_no_connection - the same as in create_acceptor

-delete or -d

deletes registered FIX session

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 
-sender Sender_Name - the sender ID. REQUIRED
-target Target_Name - the target ID. REQUIRED
-sendlogout Flag - defines whether logout must be sent. Default: true


reloads Business Layer

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 
-reload_history Flag - reload histories during BL reload. Default: true


switches FIX session to a backup connection (or to the primary)

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 
-sender Sender_Name - the sender ID. REQUIRED
-target Target_Name - the target ID. REQUIRED

-shutdown or -s

stops the instance of FixEdge

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 


shows FixEdge statistics

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. Default: 8902


shows FixEdge online sessions status

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 


shows FixEdge online sessions list

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 


shows FixEdge session statistics

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 
-sender Sender_Name - the sender ID. REQUIRED
-target Target_Name - the target ID. REQUIRED


shows offline sessions

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 


sends XML text to adaptor for executing

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 
-xml File_Name - file which contains instructions in XML format. REQUIRED


sends a command to an adaptor for executing

-host Host_Name - the FixEdge hostname. Default: localhost
-port Port_Number - the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. Default: 8902
-adaptor Adaptor_Name - file which contains instructions in XML format. REQUIRED
-command Adaptor's_Command - the name of adaptor's command. REQUIRED <additional parameters> - optional additional parameters that passed to adaptor without checking.

For every command the following list of authentication parameters should be provided:

  • -admin_sender <SenderCompId for admin session>. Optional, default is AdminClient;
  • -admin_target <TargetCompId for admin session>. Optional, default is FIXADMIN;
  • -user <user>. Optional, default is user;
  • -password <password>. Optional, default is pass;
  • -host <Host_Name> - the FIXEdge hostname. Optional, default is localhost;
  • -port <Port_Number> - port. Optional


FIXEdge XML Socket monitor port number

FEAdminConsole uses the FixEdge XML Socket monitor port number. 

Verify FIXEdge.properties file where the property is set.

ControlCentre.XMLSockMonitor.Port = 8902

./FEAdminConsole: error while loading shared libraries: libV12_rh6.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Set env variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to force the system to search libraries in the current directory.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a variable pointing to dependencies (libraries).

cd FIXEdge/bin

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

This issue is generated because it was not able to establish a connection with FIXEdge, it can be solved by performing the below verifications.

  • Verify FIXEdge is running.
  • Verify the port FixEdge XML Socket is the same as the one used in the parameter port e.g. (8902)

Usage examples

Get FIXEdge statistics with FEAdminConsole

Path: \FIXEdge\bin\

FEAdminConsole.exe -stat -host localhost -port 8902

FEAdminConsole -stat Output Sample of Success

FIX Engine Statistics: 
Acceptors: 3 
Active sessions: 3 
Correctly terminated sessions: 
Non gracefully terminated sessions: 0

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