View settings

View settings

View setting

Monitoring layout

When you select Configurations from the menu bar on the left side, the FIXICC H2 displays the default monitoring layout with the full list of notifications at the right side of the screen.

The monitoring layout view includes three main parts:

  • Table view contains a table with the object dynamic info, default and extended filters, and functional buttons. Table view is located in the central part of the screen
  • Notifications contains a list of notifications and a default filter for quick customization. Notifications is located on the right side of the screen
  • Object info contains a list of static and dynamic parameters and functional menus of the selected object. Object info is located in the bottom part of the screen

You can collapse or change the size of each layout part.

You can open the object detailed view in a new tab by clicking View in tab button in the Object info layout part.

Figure. Monitoring layout.

Table customization

You have the ability to customize the table view:

  • You can choose a list of columns to display by clicking on the  icon at the right side of the table header and checking the parameters

    Figure. The setting icons at the table header.
  • You can change the order of the columns by dragging and dropping
  • To sort the values in a column in descending order, clicking the icon   or right-click the column header and select Descending in the context menu
  • To sort the values in a column in ascending order, click the    icon or right-click the column header and select Ascending in the context menu
  • To reset sorting, right-click the column header and select Reset
  • To change the width of a column, hover over and click the edge of the column and move your mouse until you find your preferred size


  • To set the number of visible rows in static pages, select the number of rows from the drop-down menu at the top of the panel (see below)

    Figure. The drop-down menu with the number of displayed rows.
  • For real-time pages, the number of visible rows is 15
  • If the quantity of objects in the database is greater than the number of displayed rows, the FIXICC H2 adds new pages
  • You can navigate through the pages by using the navigation bar in the bottom-right corner

    Figure. Navigation bar.


You have the ability to filter the list of objects in the table.

Filtration is applicable for each type of object: servers, sessions, notifications, etc.

Two filter types are available for use: a Default Filter and an Extended Filter.

Default Filter

The Default Filter depends on the type of objects that are shown on the current page.

To use the Default Filter, type or select a value in the Default Filter fields.
To start a search, move the focus from the completed field or press Enter.
To reset the search results:

  • Click Clear (item 1 in the figure below)

    Figure. Default Filter.

  • Or click Clear in the context menu (as shown below)

    Figure. The Clear context menu item.

Then you can see a full list of rows.

Extended Filter

The Extended Filter allows adding custom search conditions.

To add a new search condition:

  1. Click Add search condition (item 1 in the figure below)

    Figure. The Extended Filter.

  2. To specify the parameter you want to search for in the "Add condition" form, either:
    • Select it from the list
    • Type the parameter name in the Filter field

      Figure. The "Add condition" form.
  3. To confirm your choice, click Select or to cancel the operation, click Cancel
  4. Select an operation type from the drop-down list according to the parameter type 

    Figure. The operations list.

To start a search:

Click Refresh (item 1 in the figure below)

Figure. The Refresh button.

To remove a filter condition:

Click to see the full list of objects

Figure. The removing condition symbol.

To reset search results:

  • Select the <Reset Filter> from the drop-down menu in the Refresh button

    Figure. Reset Filter operation.

  • Or click Clear in the context menu 

    Figure. The Clear context menu item.

To save a filter:

  1. When you add a list of conditions, click the   button and select the save option
  2. Add the mandatory information to save the filter
  3. Click OK to confirm the changes or click Cancel to cancel the operation