FIXICC H2: Troubleshooting

FIXICC H2: Troubleshooting

Application cannot launch

In this case, the system administrator should:

  1. Check the FIXICC H2 logs for entry:

    The entryReasonThe action

    Application cannot launch due to issue with DB connection: Failed to initialize pool: FATAL: database "<Database name>" does not exist.

    *<Database  name> - the value of cuba.dataSource.dbName property

    There is no database with the configured name

    2. Fix the value of cuba.dataSource.dbName property in the local.app.properties file;

    3. Save the properties file;

    4. Restart the FIXICC H2 application.

    Application cannot launch due to issue with DB connection: Failed to initialize pool: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.The database does not exist on configured IP and port

    2. Fix the value of cuba.dataSource.host and cuba.dataSource.port  properties in the local.app.properties file;

    3. Save the properties file;

    4. Restart the FIXICC H2 application.

    Application cannot launch due to issue with DB connection: Failed to initialize pool: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "<User name>"

    *<User name> - the value of cuba.dataSource.username property

    The configured credentials do not match

    2. Fix the value of cuba.dataSource.username  and cuba.dataSource.password   properties in the local.app.properties file;

    3. Save the properties file;

    4. Restart the FIXICC H2 application.

Database error. Please contact system administrator

In case of the appearance of this error, the system administrator should:

  1. Check the FIXICC H2 logs for entry: Caused by: org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException: Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: Connection Pool-Main - Connection is not available;

  2. If the entry exists, check the connection to the database.
  3. Reload the FIXICC H2 page in the browser.

Login failed. Please contact system administrator

In case of the appearance of this error, the system administrator should:

  1. Check the FIXICC H2 logs for entry: Caused by: org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException: Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: Connection Pool-Main - Connection is not available;

  2. If the entry exists, check the connection to the database.
  3. Reload the FIXICC H2 page in the browser.

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