Notifications page


Table view

Event monitoring

To monitor server and session events on the Notifications page:

  1. Click Notifications (item 1 in the figure below) in the menu bar on the left side of the screen
    Figure. Notifications.

  2. FIXICC H2 displays the following list of events:
    • The server has been started
    • The server is misbehaving
    • The server has been stopped
    • A session has been added
    • A session has been deleted
    • The session status changed
    • Server's error (background is red)
    • Server's warning (background is orange)

The list of notifications is updated in real time.


To filter the notifications list, use one of the following options:

  • The Default Filter (item 2 in the figure above) – allows filtering by Date, Object, Event Source, or a combination

     Default Filter description

    The Default Filter depends on the type of objects that are shown on the current page.

    To use the Default Filter, type or select a value in the Default Filter fields.
    To start a search, move the focus from the completed field or press Enter.
    To reset the search results:

    • Click Clear (item 1 in the figure below)

      Figure. Default Filter.

    • Or click Clear in the context menu (as shown below)

      Figure. The Clear context menu item.

    Then you can see a full list of rows.

  • The Extended Filter (item 3 in the figure above) – allows searching notification information

     Extended Filter description

    The Extended Filter allows adding custom search conditions.

    To add a new search condition:

    1. Click Add search condition (item 1 in the figure below)

      Figure. The Extended Filter.

    2. To specify the parameter you want to search for in the "Add condition" form, either:
      • Select it from the list
      • Type the parameter name in the Filter field

        Figure. The "Add condition" form.
    3. To confirm your choice, click Select or to cancel the operation, click Cancel
    4. Select an operation type from the drop-down list according to the parameter type 

      Figure. The operations list.

    To start a search:

    Click Refresh (item 1 in the figure below)

    Figure. The Refresh button.

    To remove a filter condition:

    Click to see the full list of objects

    Figure. The removing condition symbol.

    To reset search results:

    • Select the <Reset Filter> from the drop-down menu in the Refresh button

      Figure. Reset Filter operation.

    • Or click Clear in the context menu 

      Figure. The Clear context menu item.

    To save a filter:

    1. When you add a list of conditions, click the   button and select the save option
    2. Add the mandatory information to save the filter
    3. Click OK to confirm the changes or click Cancel to cancel the operation

Passing to an Event Source

  • To go from the Notifications page to the Session Dynamic State page, click the session name in the Event Source column (item 5 in the figure above).
    FIXICC H2 opens the Session Dynamic State page in a new tab.
  • You can also pass to the Server Details page by clicking the server name in the Event Source column (item 4 in the figure above).
    FIXICC H2 opens the Server Details page in a new tab.

Passing to the logs of an Event Source

  • To go from the Notifications page to the Session/Server Logs page, click the notification row and select from the additional menu the Logs item (item 1 in the figure below)

Figure. The additional menu on the Notifications page.

  • You can also pass to the Session/Server Logs page from the Notification Details page by clicking the Logs button (item 1 in the figure below).

Figure. The Logs button on the Notification Details page.

Compact view

You can monitor server and session notifications on the Session Dynamic State/ TA Session Dynamic State, Servers, Server <TA> Sessions, Server Schedules, and Server Sessions pages in the compact view.

The compact view shows the date and time when an event happened, the event description, and the name of the event source.


To filter the notifications list, use the Default Filter. You can filter notifications by Object, Event Type, Event Source, Property Name, Message, or combination.

 Default Filter description

The Default Filter depends on the type of objects that are shown on the current page.

To use the Default Filter, type or select a value in the Default Filter fields.
To start a search, move the focus from the completed field or press Enter.
To reset the search results:

  • Click Clear (item 1 in the figure below)

    Figure. Default Filter.

  • Or click Clear in the context menu (as shown below)

    Figure. The Clear context menu item.

Then you can see a full list of rows.

Figure. Compact view of the Notifications page.

Notification Details

To see further information about a notification:

  1. Click on the notification in the Notifications layout part
  2. FIXICC H2 opens the Notification Details page in the Object info layout part (see below)
    • Figure. The Notification Details page in the Object info layout part.

  3. Click the View in tab button (see above)
  4. The following page opens:

    Figure. The Notification Details page.

You can also open the Notification Details page in a new tab from the Notification page and the Notifications layout part by:

  • Clicking View in the context menu
  • Double-clicking a notification

From the Notification Details page you can:

  1. Go to the Event Source page by clicking the link
    • Figure. The link to the Event Source page.