FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET upgrade instruction

FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET upgrade instruction

It's recommended to follow the steps listed below in order to upgrade FIX Antenna C/C++/.NET.

The steps are common for Windows and Linux versions.

Upgrade Preparation

  1. Download new FIX Antenna package for the corresponding OS version;
  2. Make a backup copy of your current installation (configuration and binaries);
  3. Backup your current license (engine.license).
    If your license has expired or was lost, contact sales@btobits.com to obtain the new one;
  4. Prepare configuration amendments in case you plan to change any credentials, destination folders, connection parameters, etc. Refer to configuration guides for assistance;
  5. Make sure you have sufficient administration permissions for further uninstall/install procedures.

Upgrade Process

Upgrade Process for FIX Antenna C++

  1. Remove all *.dll files from your current FIX Antenna's project;
  2. Replace files in FIX Antenna's <data>, <headers>, <lib> folders with new files from the package;
  3. Copy your FIX Antenna license into the license file path;
  4. If you change your compiler or its version, please check and update (if necessary) the dependencies of your components which use FIX Antenna;
  5. Rebuild your current project where FIX Antenna is used. 

Upgrade Process for FIX Antenna .Net

  1. Remove all *.dll files from your current FIX Antenna's project;
  2. Replace files in FIX Antenna's <data>, <lib> folders with new files from the package;
  3. Copy your FIX Antenna license into the license file path;
  4. If you change your compiler or its version, please check and update (if necessary) the dependencies of your components which use FIX Antenna;
  5. Rebuild your current project where FIX Antenna is used. 


Remember to check engine.properties for new options in configuration.

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